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    Jobs, Higher Education, and Resources in Peace Studies

    The Peace & Justice Studies Association offers an extensive collection of resources related to the peace field, including, but not limited to a school directory, job listings, list of academic journals in peace studies, teaching materials, and conference information.

    Beyond Intractability collects links and resources on higher education in peace studies. 

    Consultant David J. Smith, JD, MS provides a guide to both graduate and undergraduate peace studies and conflict resolution programs.

    The PCDN - Guide to Graduate Programs provides a guide to masters and Ph.D. level programs in peace studies.

    The Peacemakers Trust offers a collection of resources and higher education programs in the dispute resolution, conflict transformation, peacework, humanitarian practice, and peace and conflict fields. 

    Idealist is a widely-used search engine for jobs, internships, graduate schools, and volunteering opportunities in the nonprofit world. 

    Check out Goucher's Career Education Office for helpful resources.

    University of Massachusetts Lowell Peace and Conflict Studies offers more general advice and ideas around peace studies opportunities post-graduation.

    The PCDN - Job Resources webpage provides a list of job resources in social change.

    Use the Service Year search engine to find year-long paid service opportunities. 

    Use the ProFellow search engine to find fellowship opportunities. 

    The Candid (Foundations Center) offers in depth research on nonprofits, foundations, and funding. 

    Harris, Ian M, et al. Global Directory of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Programs. (check out at the Goucher Library).

    Recommended Reading

    1. Allan and Keller. What is a Just Peace?
    2. Paula Banerjee. Women in Peace Politics (South Asian Peace Studies series).
    3. David Barash. Approaches to Peace: A Reader in Peace Studies.
    4. David Barash. Introduction to Peace Studies.
    5. Barash and Webel. Peace and Conflict Studies.
    6. Elise Boulding. Cultures of Peace: The Hidden Side of History.
    7. David Cortright. Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas.
    8. Elizabeth M. Cousens. Peacebuilding as Politics: Cultivating Peace in Fragile Societies.
    9. Charles Covell. Kant and the Law of Peace.
    10. James Downton. The Persistent Activist: How Peace Commitment Develops and Survives.
    11. W.E.B. Dubois. In Battle for Peace.
    12. Grunewald/Dungen. Twentieth-Century Peace Movements: Successes and Failures.
    13. David J. Dunn. The First Fifty Years of Peace Research: A Survey and Interpretation.
    14. J. William Frost. A History of Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim Perspectives on War and Peace.
    15. Johan Galtung. Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization.
    16. Johan Galtung. Transcend and Transform.
    17. Ronald Glossop. Confronting War.
    18. Walter Homolka. Gate to Perfection: The Idea of Peace in Jewish Thought.
    19. Charles Howlett. History of the American Peace Movement, 1890-2000: The Emergence of a New Scholarly Discipline.
    20. Tim Jacoby. Understanding Conflict and Violence: Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Approaches.
    21. Ho-Won Jeong. Peace and Conflict Studies: An Introduction.
    22. Louis Kreisberg. Constructive Conflicts: From Escalation to Resolution.
    23. John Paul Lederach. The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Peace Building.
    24. John Paul Lederach. Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies.
    25. John Paul Lederach. The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.
    26. George A. Lopez. Peace Studies: Past and Future. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
    27. Ursula Oswald. Peace Studies from a Global Perspective: Human Needs in a Cooperative World.
    28. Otto and Lupton. Give Peace a Deadline: What Ordinary People Can Do to Cause World Peace in Five Years.
    29. European Centre for Conflict Prevention, in cooperation with the International Fellowship of Reconciliation and the Coexistence Initiative of State of the World Forum. People Building Peace: 35 Inspiring Stories from Around the World.
    30. Oliver Richmond. The Transformation of Peace.
    31. Douglas Roche. The Human Right to Peace.
    32. Ranabir Samaddar. Peace Studies (South Asian Peace Studies series).
    33. Joseph Stiglitz. The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict.
    34. Strassen et al. Peace Action: Past, Present and Future.
    35. Paul can Tongeren. People building Peace II: Successful Stories of Civil Society.
    36. John A. Vasquez and Marie T. Heneha. The Scientific Study of Peace and War: A Text Reader.
    37. Webel and Galtung. Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies.
    38. Kathleen Maas Weigert and Robin J. Crews. Teaching for Justice: Concepts and Models for Service-learning in Peace Studies.
    39. Women's Studies Quarterly (95:3-4). Rethinking Peace Studies/Women's Studies.